Mectron Scaler handpiece Metal Cone

$35.20 inc. GST
Spare Parts For Multipiezo Pro Touch And Multipiezo Touch handpieces

Mectron Spray head set

$300.30 inc. GST
Compatible with EasyJet, Combi and Turbodent devices

Mectron Ultrasound Insert P4

$124.30 inc. GST
Extra long, straight working tip with a circular surface for concrements & biofilm removal from root surfaces.

Mectron Ultrasound Insert P3

$124.30 inc. GST
Perio treatment, supra and subgingival for concrements and biofilm removal from interproximal spaces.

Mectron Ultrasound Insert P2

$110.00 inc. GST
Perio insert with a curved round tip for concrements and biofilm removal from root surfaces.

Mectron Ultrasound Insert P1

$132.00 inc. GST
Perio tip for concrements and biofilm removal from root surfaces.

Mectron Insert S1+ K10 Wrench

$110.00 inc. GST
Brand: Mectron Mectron Insert S1 K10 Wrench is a semi-circular cross-section scaling insert for work on large areas on all tooth surfaces. Download: Mectron Ultrasound Inserts

Mectron Piezosurgery Insert Tip IC1 (set of 5 pieces)

$195.80 inc. GST
Easily tightened without special tools and is fully autoclavable

Mectron PiezoSurgery touch handpiece holder

$59.40 inc. GST
Handpiece holder for PIEZOSURGERY Touch and PIEZOSURGERY white

Mectron Ultrasound Insert tray

$51.70 inc. GST
Metal tray to hold 5 ultrasonic inserts   **Inserts not included.

Mectron E1 Endo Insert Ultrasound

$146.30 inc. GST
120° endochuck for fitting endo files and instruments with a stem diameter of 0.8 mm. Files not included.

Mectron CM2 Ultrasound Insert

$209.00 inc. GST
Mectron CM2 Ultrasound Insert is a cavity margin insert, designed for fine finishing of the crown core and the crown margin.