Brand: PRF Process
Important instruments For high quality membranes and constant thickness.
PRF Instrument Kit Complete for processing Autologous growth factors concentrates and to obtain membranes, plugs and PRF exsudate for hydration of bone grafts and membranes.
Highest quality stainless steel instruments.
- x1 PRF Box Autoclavable
(with multibacs teflon stainless steel crusher)
- x1 PolySteribox L
- x1 PRF tweezer
- x1 PRF tweezer "GIRAFFE"
- x1 PRF scissors
- x1 PRF Pad
- x1 Bowl
- x1 mini tray
- x1 tube holder
- x1 Compactor Big
- x1 Compactor Small
- x1 Tourniquet